
Construction Supervision Services

Pouyesh Engineering Group offers comprehensive construction supervision services in four disciplines. With a strong focus on quality control and project management, we provide Phase 3 supervision including comprehensive and resident site supervision. Our experienced team ensures that projects are delivered on time and within budget.

Supervision services provided by Pouyesh Group of Engineering Companies

Our group provides comprehensive construction supervision services, leveraging a legal engineering firm license. We offer high-level, on-site oversight in architecture, structural engineering, mechanical systems, and electrical systems.

Our high-level and resident supervision team, comprised of experienced and specialized experts in various project execution phases, offers a comprehensive range of services including value engineering, work planning and method determination, progress control, regular site visits, evaluation of qualified contractors, issuance of supervisory instructions, software-based documentation, and, most notably, quality control services.
It is worth noting that in many projects, providing these services, in addition to achieving the desired goals, has created significant added value for the project stakeholders.

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