Pouyesh Mapping Services
Production of a 1/25,000 to 1/500 scale map from photographs with contour lines and urban features
Preparation of a 1:2500 to 1:500 scale map using a direct ground method with a rectangular grid, contour lines, and block division in necessary areas.
Production of a 1:2000 scale longitudinal section with a 1:200 vertical exaggeration, extending 50 meters laterally on either side of the centerline.
Spatializing point data (e.g., borehole locations) based on mean point distance and converting the analog map into a digital map at different scales.
Generating a 1:10,000 scale map by generalizing 1:2,000 scale digital maps
Orthorectified image map generation using satellite imagery and aerial photography
Creation of a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) using 3D digital topographic maps.
Depth sounding for hydrographic mapping and cross-sectional profiling of rivers at any elevation in plains, hilly, and mountainous areas.
Side Scan Sonar Services